In the apiary

DOC gives season tips for new beekeepers and those who need reminders.

DOC’s seasonal tips

New beekeepers should have learnt all they need to know on their beginners’ course. Well – the course is a good start to your life as a beekeeper, but the real learning comes from the doing. And in the doing we all make mistakes. The key is to learn from your mistakes – or better still the mistakes of others! This blog is intended to give you timely advice and reminders throughout the season.

Hopefully you were able to get some experience at the Society’s apiary in the summer or you were able to get some hands on experience with your own bees. The subjects we are including on the blog will give you the information needed to get the most out of your visits to your bees.

You can comment and ask questions on each blog article and we will respond for all to see. In this way we can help each other to learn together.

2024 blogs: DOC talks about preparing for winter.

The health of your colonies in the Spring starts in the Autumn.

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