
Annual membership of the Society runs from January to December and joining the Society or renewing your membership is easy. Renewal is semi-automated and you will receive notification from us via email of when it is due and the link to our new online system. There you will find details of your current membership and be able to select from the various options to tailor your membership to suit your needs.

If you are new to beekeeping or have not yet started this wonderful pastime and wish to join the Society and/or register for our Beginners’ Class please send an email to our Membership Secretary  ( Please provide full name, first line of your address and your postcode, along with your email address and you will receive the necessary link or form in reply to complete the membership process. Further information is also available via our Training page.

Your membership will provide you with benefits including annual public liability insurance for your bees as well as product liability for your hive products, Bee Disease Insurance for up to 3 hives (small additional premiums can be paid for 4 hives or more), a bi-monthly Society Newsletter, information on crop/vegetation spraying as advised, a quarterly WBKA magazine (The Welsh Beekeeper) and a wealth of help, advice and support from other members. There is also an opportunity to subscribe to several beekeeping publications at preferential rates.

The Society has Apiary meetings and talks, holds shows and social meetings and is currently part of a group of Societies that organise the MSWCC Convention.

A local Seasonal Bee Inspector is available to help with disease recognition and treatment, and your hives may be inspected every 3 years (more often if the need arises) to help you keep your bees in tip-top health. The network of local Inspectors is supported by the Regional Bee Inspector for Wales who has access to support and assistance from the National Bee Unit, in the Central Science Lab in York.  So you can take up a fascinating craft and you need not bee on your own! If you would like further information please contact us.